Friday, February 29, 2008

The Most Funny Animals In The History [kitten Angered Puppy]

Very cute video. Kitten and Puppy~

Hiite Utaeru DS Guitar M-06

For people who have a nds and love to play guitar , this game might be something you would like to have. From my opinion , you do need to output your nds to an external speaker if not it might be soft for the sound. But it would be something very nice to play with when you have loud speaker and the correct chords needed for the song. You can use it to play any song you like. I saw people use it to 自彈自唱小情歌 [蘇打綠] .

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Wow~ Saw this video on the you tube~

It a competition in taiwan which is just like the same as our singapore project super star.

From my personal opinion, I think their singing from 超級星光大道 is really 独扛(tukong).
