Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Love Story - Unknown
But still need a lot of improvement.
Is my first time touching this song~
So please give chance to me.
I will make it better.
Marry me
you'll never have to be alone
I love you and thats all I really know
Love Story - Taylor Swift
We were both young when i first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
Bm G
Im standing there on a balcony of summer air
See the lights, See the party the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
You say hello
Little did i know
That you were romeo you were throwing pebbles
Bm D
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And i was crying on the staircase
A Bm D
Begging you please don't go, and i said
Chorus: D
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
You'll be the prince and i'll be the princess
Its a love story baby just say yes
Repeat IntroVerse 2
So i sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quite because we're dead if they know
So close your eyes
Let’s keep this down for a little while
Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter
Bm D
and my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
A Bm D
and i was begging you please don't go and i said
CHorus: D
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
You be the prince i'll be the princess
Its a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, try to tell me how it is
This love is difficult, but its real,
Save me from the breakdown, make it out of this mess
Its a love story baby just say yes, oh
D A Bm G Bm G D A
I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around
Bm G
My faith in you was fading
Then i met you on the outskirts of town and i said
Romeo save me i've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, i don't know what to think
He nelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone
I love you and thats all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
Its a love story baby just say yes
E B C#m
Oh, oh, yes
We were very young when i first saw you
Monday, December 1, 2008
End of Cisco Attachments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Attachment at Cisco System
Currently attachment at Cisco System.
Our teacher put quite a lot of pressure in us, hoping we are able to learn as much as possible before he left us in nov.
Thanks to him. Learned many knowledge from him.
And good new is I going to taiwan next week for Cisco Express.
Hope I can cope and do well over there as I am suppose to support them and not be a burden for them.
Another good new is I just cleared my ccna exam.
It was not as difficult as what I had expected.
But I feel that my experience are still not on par with the cert.
In paper work I am ccna but in working wise I still far behind~ Will work hard towards it.
Good luck to me~
Colours Of Life Gathering~
It being like 5 years since we really have a big gathering`~
Some are going to get married pretty soon.
haha~ Cannot imagine that what we going to be like in another 5 years.
We will bring our spouse and children by then.
We went for a volleyball ,ktv and supper~
Happy that all of us are doing well.
Hope we will still keep in contacts in the rest of the life~
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
This is taken during my class outing.
We go steamboat at amk and prawning at bishan.
At first, when we were prawning, it were all the girls who got the bites.
Then have the feelings of, all same as Mr wayne~
Still do not know how exactly to hook the prawn up.
As we normally got the bites but never able to hook them up.
Nice outing I could say. Never knew can have an outing with my new class.
Cause normally the people in new class will not get so close.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tire Punctured
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Class Gathering
Sorry for the missing in action.
I will blog something which happen with my class recently.
I just had my class gathering on 5 July.
It was held at the pasir ris park.
As expected. We had BBQ but we actually had cycling before that.
Got 2 couples cycle together lo. lol~~
This time we actually order our food from http://www.bbqwholesale.com/
I found it reasonable for the price. Very convience to just order from there.
Only one thing I was a bit not very satisfied is regarding the deliver of the food.
It was suppose to arrived between 4pm to 6pm.
But it was actually delivered at 7pm on that day.
There are a few people who actually never came last minute and there was over flowing of food.
Eat until want to give up.~~ Then we actually have to pay more... ll
After that, I actually send 4 ppl home~ Was loss in some of the road.
But I think most of us had fun~
0606 Rocks!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Received a NO PARKING on my bicycle~
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Congrats my friend!
Congrats to my friend jia liang for winning the 2 handed champion for Singapore Yoyo Championships 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My long disappearence~
So sorry that I update my blog so late.
Mostly becos I am not able to manage my time well.
Everyday is like from 10am to 9pm. Due to enrichment course for guitar club.
And when I get home, I have to rush for my presentation and quiz. Is a bit difficult to handle so many things at once. Yesterday the gc members meet to have a meeting regarding the camp. Discuss here and there. The proposal is not out yet. Which I think is a bit of rush already. Since it less than a month from now. And we actually not even book the room yet. :) Actually want them to have a taste of experience of doing proposal. I think they learn a lot from there. Things to note: everyone hope for a camp, everyone want to plan for it, no one have the time to do the proposal. Isn't it ironic? Or is just human nature to want something without paying any effort or just say something you wan and wait for it to happen. Sometime I wonder whether is it because I did not do my part well enough. Actually I do not want to give them so much responsible but I wanted them to be fully prepare and know what to do for a proposal. In case I really will not be around for the end of year concert. As what elim chew from 77th street had say, opportunity does not come to you, you have to go grab it, or even find it in the first place. That is what really happen in life out there, we are still under the care in the school. There are people who can guide us and help us. There isn't anyone for you when you are working out there. Unless you are lucky enough. Oh ya, yes, I did well for my presentation this time. The teacher commented that he can see that we had put a lot of effort doing research. Hopefully I get more than 8 marks this time. They also commented that I will have a girl friend since every president have one. But I don't see it very encouraging as there actually a lot of tasks for me to settle and with my homework coming along, I really do not have time to company my girl friend if I have one. To me, the girl will most likely break off with me due to the committment level I given to her. Then I will like upset like the world is going to end. Sob sob sob...... Miss me? Kiss me a kiss then~
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Orientation Performance~
Ok this was orientation for guitar club.
First time for the committee 2008 to perform it at the tfa.
There was a delay in the beginning due to people signing up.
I assumed that was a good sign?
MC for the day was Thow and Sherlyn.
What do I think of their performance as the MC?
I could see that both of them are not yet up to the standard of what we so call MC but I am already very glad that they tried their best to put up a good show. Maybe they lacked a bit of chemistry?But they did what I wanted it to be. What I wanted is that the performance is totally running by guitar club own members althought I would like to thanks Mark Friend (seng) in helping with the lighting. First we start with the song ' Elcumbanchero ' to keep the audience mood high abit ? Althought the audience still look very calm. Then it was the guitarist of the day~ Siti! She played her solo pieces 'Wishes', the sound system was a bit cocked up that time so it was a bit echoiee~ Then came Kelvin solo piece~ He played it a second time as he misplayed it somewhere~ Then was Thow and Siti duet. Playing smoothly~Then came ensemble piece ' EL Reloj' Next came Kelvin and Thow duet ' Tears in Heaven'. Kelvin actually sang for the song~ ke ke~ Not bad~ Actually I never heard the song before. Then it came Siti , Victor and Khyril 'wonderwall'. Notice that Siti played a lot of songs... She even play bass~~ LL Victor sang too for that song~ ha~ Khyril was a bit disappointed when he noticed that his solo can't be heard. It was one of the more rounded played song in the performance. It include solo,singer,bass and chord~ It was Victor birthday on that day too~ Jesline even went up to the stage and gave him a 'I am gay' T-shirt! After that came in Shaiful remix of 'apologise and stop and stare~' It was a bit cocked up when he didn't on his guitar for plug in.Then I walked in to remind him to on it when he was like singing at the chorus.LOL... People were laughing when he was so blur when I call his name. As I calling him through the mic and he keep looking at the audience to see who call him.His performance was great as the crowd actually warm up by the song~Then start the chinese strum and sing~ Bang yao was singing cai hong and mavin sang chu ci zhi huay and Me sang ai wo bie zhou~ keke~ When I sang ai wo bie zhou~ I saw some of them leaving while I was singing~confused feeling~ Maybe because it was a chinese song and it was actually quite long for the performance. Then we end it with the song 'Those were the days'. Ok la the performance~ I mean it was great. As I did asked some of the juniors today when we buying the guitar~ They all say that it was good. Specially thanks for people who are involved in this performance. I won't say the names. You all should know who I meant. :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Club Crawl 2008
I am busy or the real excuse that I am lazy to blog it .:P
Ok before I start, I think you all should know that I am from guitar club.
The booth was great to me althought some may say that it not eye catching or the fonts is too small.Last year the BIG GUITAR was super catchy for the crowd which is done by the ex president.Then many of the clubs follow him and create super big size like chess and samurai. But theme for this year was to create a lively and fun club and due to my laziness I did not make a bigger guitar this year. I like the design of the sun shinning on the banner. I could say that it was actually one of the best banner in term of hand craft. The rest of the booth was just simple spraying and printed. I mean that we are not afraid of taking new idea's and ways of doing stuff.I saw a pirvated L at the sukura club. keke. Last year Lolita was better. Due to the people who wore it. FB was great but I think last year was better~
Link to club crawl photo:http://picasaweb.google.com/casualtyofsociety/ClubCrawl08
What I could say is that i want to let all of you know
that i appreciate you guys for everything.-GC
Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Flyer (Draft 1)
My freshmen dancing~
This was taken from my friend web site.
Above was the dance step that I actually taught my freshmen.
Yo~ Money rocks!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Year 1 happening stuff~
This video actually happened in the lecture hall.
Lol~ I believe the video means a thousand words. Dun need for me to explain further~
Monday, March 24, 2008
The meeting of the officer for the complaint~
Thank you for your feedback regarding the Academic calendar.
After ourconversation, you have understood that the information you have provided inyour email is not accurate. The eLP was opened in Jan when the AcademicCalendar was placed there for students to collect. So happen, you havemissed the collection period.I’ve already made a copy of the academic calendar and passed to you. Hope this will help you in your planning.
Please contact me at 65500785 if you have any more queries.
Best Regards,Lily Soh
Think they mistaken from my mail. What I mean that the eLP was closed since Jan is meaning 31 Jan. Not the beginning of Jan. The admin office actually told me that they passed to eLP two weeks ago. What I heard from the officer is that it is already in eLP since Jan for people to collect. So confusing. Never mind as long I got the academic calendar already. Heard that the director was shocked as he thought that the eLP was closed in beginning of Jan as it was suppose to be operating. I am sorry if I caused a lot of trouble. Think I got aimed le~
Saturday, March 22, 2008
My reply from them~
Thank you for submitting your feedback. The relevant officer will reply to you soon if necessary. If you wish to further communicate with us on the same matter in future, please quote the following reference number: SIT(ICT)2203(1/2)
With regards
On behalf of Nanyang Polytechnic
Friday, March 21, 2008
My complaints to sch~ (Ya I never die before/Later got aim by them~)
Recently I went to SA office and requested for the coming term academic calender.
They told me to go to the admin office to collect it as the one in SA office is for display only.
So I went to the seg admin office to collect it.
But the reply from them is that the academic calender had already given to e-learning plaza 2 weeks ago.
My understanding is that the e-learning plaza had being closed since jan.
There wasn't any access to it.
I had a feeling of being pushing around.
Is there any ways which I can ask for the academic calender?
I need it to plan for events for my cca and studies.
Thanks a lot!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Back to sch~
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Open House~
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Starting to feel a bit stress~~?
I feel that the story was a bit too old fashion.
Everything in the story was expected. No climate or suprises at all. Or should I say that I may expected too much from it?
I gave it a rating of 2.8 out of 5.
Results are coming out soon~ Do not have eyes to see it.
Suddenly from carefree turn into many things to think and plan ahead.
hai~ Time to feel optimistic so that I can overcome the obstacles ahead.
Lucky there are people who share the load with me.
Please bare with me guys...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Guitar Club~
Another start of the new committee members for guitar club.
Everything ended so fast. Misses the times with batch 11 people.
Xiao bai I will miss you de~ Kc for being very responsible. SU for your smsing. Zu Yi ~ Gabrie~
Talia , Agnes~ Zameria? ( dun know spell correctly anot ) Mark~
Do I miss anyone out???
Please forgive me if I misses anyone~ Everyone is equally important.
When the annoucement of the new committee came out, I had a second of shock and a bit feel like crying. ( becos batch 11 is really handling over ) Then the post I was holding. Actually I heard some rumors type of thing. And people talking. But I still not decided not to put high hopes on it. ( As may feel disappointed when the higher hopes I put ) I more like a carefree type of person. First word came out from me when I heard the annoucement was ' die liao ' .... Ke ke Cause I know I will need to be very committed and move ahead ( which I always lazy to do ). And for those who are not get selected as committee, I think sometime luck do counts. And for people in batch 13, there still chance to be committee next year! So dun be sad if you not being selected. Cause batch 12 took most of the post. I promise you all batch 13 that batch 12 people will give up our post next year~ NYPGC will become legends somedays~
Monday, March 10, 2008
FF3 OP Movie
Finally started to play this game on my NDS.
Ha. Very nice graphic. Hope can complete it soon!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
IT Show & The Leap Years

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Interview ~
Actually is something like what can we do to improve the club and what role can we play along the way. Was quite lost and was told not to repeat what others had said before. So fast the seniors are leaving us. And we are left to be the one organise for the rest of the events. Challenging but I am sure there will be fun and laughter along the way. Hope we can do it well for our batch. Or should I say we must do well and we will do well!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Taking the A Train
This is the song I need to learn for my guitar club.
Quite an old jazz song. Also watched 这不是斯巴达 movie.
It was more like a comedy.Something like scary movie.
I give it a rating of 3 out of 5.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Miss Splendour's Closet
It being so long that I ever wake up at this timing.
Normally I wake up at 1pm.(sorry to those we need to wake up early :P)
My body still ache,, kekeke...
Being busy setting up of this web site.(helping people to set up, not mine)
It an online shop.
Will start to customize the design when I have more time with it.
Currently just set up the basic skeleton of it.
Please go and take a look at it. :P
Monday, March 3, 2008
Spyware Doctor "Best AntiSpyware Software"

Must be too long never excerise already. Wah Age really catches us. I realised my stamina is not as good as before. Think is due to excerise or really due to my age.
Being doing a long of research and review about spyware. Currently I using XoftSpySE. I just installed Spyware Doctor and do a comparison with XoftSpySE. Spyware Doctor actually found spyware which is not detected by XoftSpySE. So I decided to use Spyware Doctor for now. Still on trial. Spyware Doctor actually provide real time protection which most of the spyware software does not. Which mean more memory is eaten into it also. :P But I think is worth it.
Actually it also come with name call Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus which include antivirus also.
But I decided to use another antivirus software for my computer so I use Spyware Doctor instead.
For more details please go to http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
L change the WorLd
Watch the movie L change the WorLd.
Feel that it is not as nice as the previous 2.
But it is still quite a nice movie to watch!
I give it a rating of 3.5 out of 5.
Mahjong Online

Friday, February 29, 2008
Hiite Utaeru DS Guitar M-06
For people who have a nds and love to play guitar , this game might be something you would like to have. From my opinion , you do need to output your nds to an external speaker if not it might be soft for the sound. But it would be something very nice to play with when you have loud speaker and the correct chords needed for the song. You can use it to play any song you like. I saw people use it to 自彈自唱小情歌 [蘇打綠] .
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wow~ Saw this video on the you tube~
It a competition in taiwan which is just like the same as our singapore project super star.
From my personal opinion, I think their singing from 超級星光大道 is really 独扛(tukong).